Practicing With The Planets — Welcoming a New Season and Full Moon Secrets

Faithe J Day
10 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Over the weekend, we have moved from the intense and fiery energy of Aries, which marked the start of spring, into the more grounded and stabilizing earth energy of Taurus season. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign that signifies the peak of spring and represents stability, patience, and practicality. Taurus is most known for its love of beauty, luxury, and the finer things in life and its ability to manifest them through hard work and determination.

On the evening of April 23rd in the Western Hemisphere, there will also be a Scorpio Full Moon. Scorpio is a Fixed Water sign and the sister sign of Taurus. It is often viewed as the shadow side of Taurus, but not in a negative way. Different flavors of Scorpio Energy exist on a continuum. One flavor is the sexy and magically seductive side of the scorpion, while another can be dark and secretive, like the creatures that live on the very bottom of the ocean.

As someone with three planets in fixed signs, I always look forward to Taurus and Scorpio seasons. I find the moments when the sun and moon oppose each other in these two signs are filled with Dark Horse Energy, so you should expect the unexpected. The scorpionic side of this energy has a dark feminine quality that resonates with the destructive energy and power of goddesses like Kali and Lilith. However, the significance of Taurus as the sign of the bull helps us to channel our fighting spirit and our winsome nature.

During Taurus season and the Scorpio Full Moon, you will want to focus on a few specific themes I will explore in the remainder of this post. First, you should work on becoming more grounded and stable. Second, you should embrace traditions and rituals, especially those related to self-care and beauty. Third, cultivating growth and abundance, particularly in material and physical aspects of your life. Fourth, nurture your creativity and fertility. Most importantly, this is a season to establish your self-worth and values by setting long-term goals and building your resources.

The Way I Are: Re-Evaluating Worth, Work, and Personal Values

But before we get into the themes of Taurus, I first want to break down some of the stereotypes on this astrological axis. Often, we associate Taurus with the second house of the Zodiacal wheel, and simplistically, this house is described as the house of money. However, there is more to Taurus than just finances. In my astrology teachings, I walk students through the different signs and their modalities. Generally, the element of earth is focused on the natural or physical world. This includes but is not limited to plants and the great outdoors, comfort/pleasures, money/finances, animals and animalistic desires, etc.

Slide from my Astro-School Content —

From a spiritual perspective, earth signs are destined to conquer the final phase of spirituality: ascension through mastery of the material world. As a result, while many songs remind me of Taurus Season, one of my favorites is the 2010 Drake song “Fancy.” On a superficial level, this song reflects how Taurus values money and the material possessions and experiences that money brings, such as luxuries and treats. But, at a deeper level, there is a profound need for security and stability with this sign and a willingness to earn their living and share with those they love.

When examining the Taurus/Scorpio axis, I often remember one of my favorite podcasts, "Death, Sex, and Money.” The podcast delves into taboo topics associated with stigma and secrecy and often discusses themes that resonate with Taurus and Scorpio season. Although Libra is typically regarded as the sign of relationships, the Taurus/Scorpio axis represents the uncomfortable conversations that arise in marriage or more intimate partnerships, such as joint resources and family illness. That is why Taurus season is an excellent time to explore how our values, finances, health, and well-being influence intimacy.

Especially in the era of “high-value” rhetoric, there is an unwritten expectation that people should project an image of financial stability and security, even if they are not in such a position. However, it’s essential to understand that the energy of Taurus season encompasses more than just financial matters. It’s about the significance of money and how our resources — or the lack thereof — affect our emotions. Like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, most people require a certain level of financial security to feel capable of thriving and supporting others. However, Taurus season is often a time to evaluate how much pressure we put on ourselves to project an image of wealth and what (or who) we hope to attain in pursuing material goods.

On the wheel, the zodiac signs Taurus and Scorpio are associated with the 2nd and 8th astrological houses, respectively. These two houses represent the coming together of two individuals, which can be in financial, physical, or emotional terms. While Taurus is linked with physical intimacy and sensuality, Scorpio is more expressive through emotional intimacy. As a result, this season often raises concerns about how we perceive ourselves in the world and whether we are comfortable sharing ourselves with another person as we are and not just who we believe we should be.

For the past few years, we have been dealing with Uranus in Taurus, and yesterday’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction has disrupted how we usually define Taurus's energy. Therefore, the Taurus/Scorpio axis is intensely focused on the worth and value we find within ourselves and our ability to share with others. This means that we should focus on expressing the deepest parts of ourselves instead of relying on material goods to represent us in the external world. Consequently, we will continue to see individuals and society re-evaluate their relationship to themes of work, worth, and personal value while embracing lives that provide stability in ways that are softer and more comfortable.

You Want It, You Got It: Affirmation and Talking Like A Taurus

Whenever I think about the first two themes of Taurus season, I am also brought to the importance of being grounded in positive affirmations. Taurus season is a time for us to slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate life’s simple pleasures. It is also a time to indulge in our senses and enjoy the beauty of nature, both literally and figuratively. You can get grounded by walking in the park, visiting gardens, or arranging flowers because this season allows us to relax, recharge, and embrace a sense of deep rest and inner peace. But Taurus is not all about the naps.

During an earth sign season, I am regularly reminded of the song “7 Rings” by Ariana Grande, particularly the refrain “I See It, I Like It, I Want It, I Got It.” This affirmation is perfect for this season because Taurus is often stereotyped as lazy or enjoying creature comforts. However, Taurus is a stubborn sign with a fixed focus on their goals.

Unlike the fast-paced energy of the recent Aries season, Taurus has a slow and steady energy that allows us to cultivate patience and concentrate on our long-term objectives. Now is the time to develop a one-track mind by being practical, working hard, and persisting in overcoming obstacles. With Taurus’s willpower and determination, we can achieve anything we set our minds to while keeping work/life balance at the forefront.

So, while you are encouraged to sit back and smell the roses, this is also a season to plant them. As the old adage goes, April showers bring May flowers, and the moon is exalted in Taurus as we look forward to next month. This is an opportune time to start planning and thinking about the goals and aspirations you wish to achieve. However, as we approach the energy of the Scorpio Full Moon, it is also essential to take a moment to express gratitude and appreciation for the things that haven’t worked out well in your life. This will help you release any negative energy from the past and move forward with a positive outlook.

Transitioning into the middle of Spring, Taurus season also differs from the previous season's energy. Aries represents “I AM” energy, while Taurus represents “I HAVE” energy. Therefore, Taurus is also connected to Scorpio energy through a certain level of possessiveness and a need to hold on. However, Taurus season always brings a Scorpio Full Moon to help us overcome past hurts.

Trust and Truth: Unpacking the Transformative Power of the Scorpio Full Moon

You can see a lot in someone’s birth chart. Before I read, I mentally prepare myself for what I will find, what I can see, and what I can predict. Following the water houses and their planets, Pluto and Scorpio, the Moon and Cancer, and Neptune and Pisces is where I always find the relationship between trauma and trust. Consequently, the Scorpio Full Moon is centered around these themes.

On the evening of April 23rd, the Moon will be in Fall in the astrological sign of Scorpio, which can bring up some challenging emotions. Scorpio Moons often bring themes related to trust and truth, as well as the opposite, such as lies and deception. Discovering hidden secrets buried beneath the surface during this lunar phase is all too common. However, it is also an opportunity to embrace whatever is revealed to you, either internally or externally, by tapping into the energy of the Moon card in tarot.

The moon is known for ushering in the night and marking the passage of time through changing seasons, but there is also something mysterious about the Moon card. In the Rider Waite Smith, the card depicts a stormy sea and the night sky illuminated by the moon’s light. Below the moon are two howling dogs and a Scorpionic crustacean basking in the moon’s glow. The image embodies the moon’s power to influence the ocean tides and the cycles of living beings. Therefore, the animals in the card are drawn out of their habitat by the moon’s energetic pull.

Scorpio Full Moons can be confusing as they pull at our emotions and bring up deep connections to the past primarily because Scorpionic energy resonates with jealousy, obsession, possessiveness, betrayal, and heartbreak. During this lunation, analyzing the moon card calls forth a need to lean into the grounding of Taurus energy. However, Taurus can exacerbate these issues by promoting a stubborn view of the self and others. Therefore, we all must strive to stay grounded and avoid being consumed by the seas of scorpionic energy.

Returning to the tarot, the closed eyes of the moon in the Moon card provoke curiosity about what the moon sees when it looks down on the Earth. Although the Earth is the planetary mother, the Moon card also embodies the energy of a mother who keeps a watchful eye on her children. Like the Cups cards in the lesser arcana, the Moon card represents water signs such as Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, representing emotion and interiority.

Therefore, the Moon card is a call to explore and uncover oneself’s dark and mysterious aspects. The questions I developed for the Scorpio Full Moon resonate with this energy and encourage reflection on the hidden recesses of the mind with care and concern.

Image from my course “The Semiotics of Tarot” —

Some questions that you can focus on to uncover the hidden depths of this moon phase are as follows:

  • In what ways do you let your emotions manipulate yourself or others?
  • How do you hide your truest intentions from yourself and others?
  • Where do you need to focus on the emotional and psychological healing of wounds from the past or present?
  • Are there energies or individuals you need to remove from your life to move forward, i.e., cord-cutting, energy clearing, etc?
  • How can you face any fears that you might have around issues of power, trust, control, and intimacy?

Because Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, this is also a full moon that encourages contemplation on regeneration. Sometimes, when things end, it is because you are preparing for a new beginning. Therefore, you should also ask yourself, What has died that needs to be raised from the grave, and what things are best left in the ground? You will need to ask these questions over the next few days because the fears and anxiety that often manifest during eclipse season can easily turn into physical concerns.

It is crucial to release anything holding you back to embrace the fertile and abundant energy that Taurus can bring. The Full Moon in Scorpio is known for its transformative power, making it a perfect time to let go of the past and embrace the future. Take this opportunity to reflect on your life, restore your energy, and prepare some Full Moon rituals. As for me, I am enjoying writing and doing puzzles during this time. So, I hope you will find inspiration for your projects this season and that it will be easier to assemble all of life’s puzzle pieces that tend to fall into place during eclipse season and the Scorpio Full Moon.



Faithe J Day

Writer, Creator, and Educator. Millennial and Internet Expert. Learn more at